On 26 January, Domingo Vegas, President of Gransolar Group, analyzed for the digital newspaper ‘El Español’ the current situation of the energy transition in Spain and the factors that condition it. Under the title Un año clave para la transición energética (A key year for the energy transition), the president predicts a very promising future for renewable energies in Spain. “We are convinced,” he says, “that, suffering as we are now from this structural weakness and lack of energy independence, it is time for a rapid and profound change in our energy model. And the good news is that it depends on us”.
According to his analysis, all the necessary elements for the change to a system based on renewable energies are under control, with two exceptions: the public is not yet convinced of the need for change, and the collaboration of public administrations.
His proposal to reach the public is that companies in the sector should count on the collaboration and acceptance of the surrounding environment when building renewable energy plants. To this end, they need to develop training and information plans on the advantages that they will bring to every client and the whole population.
As for public administrations, the President of Gransolar Group suggests that the best option would be for them to sign a State agreement with the main parties on a plan that clearly promotes the growth of renewable energies.
Finally, Vegas calls for proper management of the Recovery Funds to stimulate energy storage technology. “We know that it is very complex, but other countries are way ahead of us and storage will be essential to allow a dominant participation of renewable energies in the Spanish energy sector”, he assures.
You can read the full article at this link.