The president of Gransolar Group, Domingo Vegas, analyzes in an op-ed published by the economic newspaper Cinco Días the challenges that the implementation of the new National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) will entail in Spain.
“Without a higher growth in electricity demand, much of the planned renewable energy will not be installed, it’s as simple as that,” says Vegas, who warns that this factor is critical to avoid curtailment and maintain “reasonable pricing.”
The Gransolar Group co-founder suggests that there should be greater incentives to grow the electric car fleet, and points to the “questions” raised by the ambitious renewables targets set out in the PNIEC.
In this context, Domingo Vegas insists on the importance of storage supported by this National Plan. “This commitment to batteries would be a major step forward at all levels: it would make it possible to correct the deviations generated by a massive influx of renewable energy, and it would make it possible for renewable energy to develop at the expected pace.”
More information in Cinco Días ( subscription article and only available in Spanish).